"I found your site through myspace the other day. I have been hurting really bad for the past couple of moths since my relationship ended. She was the love of my life and they way it ended was cruel. Since it ended I have been in and out of the hospital because of what she did to me. Every part of my life has suffered because of this. I have spent so many days in depression and feeling hopeless and lost. I have cried more than a man is suppose to. I was just about to give up when I found your site. I read your story of love and heartbreak and other stuff you have on your site. Somehow I found hope on your site. The first hope I have had in a long time. It's been a week since I first visited your site and have been feeling much better. I still have a long way to go but I have hope now. I had plans on just ending it all, the pain was becoming unbearable, suicide seemed the only way out. Your site saved me. You said if you could help someone you would be happy. You did more than help me you saved my life! Thank you for you site and telling your story."
"Thank you so very much for answering my letter. I wish you all the best as well. It helped me a lot reading your story knowing that I am not alone with this on this planet."
"I know I still have a lot of healing to due at this point, but I am working though it one day at a time, and dealing with all of this the best way that I know. Thank you for you email, it means a lot to me that someone who I never met, is willing to be there for me in my darkest hour. I think what you are doing with your web site is great, and I am sure that you have helped many people and will continue to do so."
"Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and sympathy on the MySpace forums."
"I forgot to say after writing my story that I appreciate that you are using your story of love and heartbreak to help other people. Writing out everything that has happened to me in the past few months is another step that is helping me to move on. I also noticed that December 10th, 2007--the day you wrote the introduction on the home page of your website--happens to be the day that I started working at my part-time job, where I first met the person whom I had described in my story. I guess it was only a matter of time that I'd come across your site."
"Your story made me cry in so many ways. I am truly inspired by you, and your journey to find yourself. Your Mary was like my Charlie. I love him so much still, and the pain kills me. Reading your story has help me cope with my emotions in a new level. Thank you so much, god bless you, and I wish nothing but the best for you."